In order to capture the heartbeat of our discipleship strategy, God has given the PAONL a unique word to describe the journey we are about embark upon. The word is FORMISSION. You will not find this word in any conventional dictionary because it is actually the combination of two words: FORMATION and COMMISSION.
noun: the formation of followers of Jesus Christ into fully devoted disciples to the Great Commandment and the Great Commission.
FORMISSION is the discipleship strategy of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Newfoundland and Labrador (PAONL) for returning to our roots as an organism, the body of Christ, rather than just an organization. We believe the Spirit is calling us back to the basics: moving to maturity as followers of Christ, creating and shaping real fellowship and community, equipping Christians to understand their unique place in the body and thrive in their giftings, and training disciples to make disciples and join the Spirit in his work in our communities.
The 2-year periods are:
(Years 1-2)
We covenant together as a fellowship for maturity – understanding the good news of the gospel and what that means for our physical, mental, theological, and spiritual health. As a denomination, we will value the health of our pastors and churches. We commit to providing disciples, churches and pastors with resources for loving God with all of our bodies, hearts, minds, and souls (Matt. 22:37).
(Years 3-4)
We covenant together as a fellowship for greater unity. We will create structures that allow our pastors to experience real community and partnership. We commit to resourcing each other for health in our marriages, staff relationships, families, and in the body. We will improve communication between the denominational office and its greatest resource: people, striving for the unity described in John 17.
(Years 5-6)
We covenant together as a fellowship for greater faithfulness. We will resource disciples to understand their giftings and their place in the body of Christ. We commit to recapturing a biblical definition of “pastor,” as one who equips the saints for the work of ministry. We will create structures and policies that empower others. We will recapture love as the foundation for spiritual gifts (1 Cor. 13).
(Years 7-8)
We covenant together as a fellowship for greater fruitfulness. We will provide tools to grow areas where planting and pruning should occur. We commit to living out the prayer “let your kingdom come” (Lk. 11:2) by courageously following the Spirit in all of our training, development, and budgeting. We will equip disciples to make disciples and live out their callings in their communities.