How to Make Disciples by Being Unhandy

How to Make Disciples by Being Unhandy

“Jesus, tired as he was from the journey, sat down by the well. It was about noon. When a Samaritan woman came to draw water, Jesus said to her, “Will you give me a drink?” - John 4:6-7 - Do you want to make disciples? I want to make disciples. It is a deep,...

3 Questions About COVID-19 That Need Answers

3 Questions About COVID-19 That Need Answers

I’ll venture a guess that you have some questions about the current moment we are living in. Many are scientific: When will a vaccine or effective treatment be developed? What is the projected trajectory of this? What will the long-term effects be on our economy? Some...

Why I am a Pentecostal

Why I am a Pentecostal

 It’s a choice I make every day. Sometimes the choice is more pronounced, like when I fill out my credentials application and ponder the questions that I have answered affirmatively for the past 13 years. At other times it is more subtle. I’ll have a conversation with...

Who We Are

Who We Are

As Pentecostals, we are a Spirit-formed, Spirit-united, Spirit-empowered, Spirit-sent Fellowship. Let that sink in. Is it a statement of fact, or simply an aspirational hope? This is our story: “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship,...

What Does A Formission Church Look Like?

What Does A Formission Church Look Like?

What does a Formission church look like? In rabbinical fashion, I’ll answer a question with a question: What does McDonalds look like? It has the universally known symbol. Its menu is consistent but adapted to its context. It appeals to families and is...

The Secret to a Prolonged Period of Prime

The Secret to a Prolonged Period of Prime

In this September of 2019, my husband Douglas and I will celebrate 50 continuous years of ministry, except for a seven-year break where we did home care for two family members. The question is often asked, “how are you still doing fruitful ministry after 50 years?”...

Demystifying Spiritual Growth

Demystifying Spiritual Growth

Spiritual growth is a simple mystery. It is simple, because the means of spiritual growth is generally common sense to those who have responded to the gospel: it is facilitated by spiritual disciplines. Many of us have heard the Sunday School chorus, “read your Bible,...

Family Altar

Family Altar

I felt like I was in the middle of an evangelistic film. Paul was sitting on the couch with the Bible open and coffee and pizza on the table. Angie asked how everyone’s week was going and if anyone had any questions about God or anything to pray about. A pot of dark...