by Jeremy Nippard | Dec 16, 2022 | Uncategorized
During my four years as Formission Director, I was given the mandate to notice and the gift of a broad perspective on how God is working in our province as I travelled to preach and plan with churches and leaders. I got to celebrate and promote some of those churches...
by Jeremy Nippard | Jun 20, 2022 | Uncategorized
What would a renewal of the Pentecostal practice of tithing look like? My Story This might sound crazy, but growing up, I couldn’t wait until I had an income so that I could begin to tithe. I remember distinctly, after I came to know Jesus at age 12, proudly...
by Jeremy Nippard | May 20, 2022 | Uncategorized
What would it mean to take up the long-forgotten Pentecostal Practice of Sabbath? Every Friday night for the past year or so in the Nippard house, there is a celebration. The laundry is done, the dishes are washed, a lavish dessert is brought to the table, and we...
by Jeremy Nippard | Feb 18, 2022 | Uncategorized
I realize the title is very broad. Being led by the Spirit is essentially what it means to follow Jesus. Maybe a story will help to clarify and narrow the definition I’m using here: Led by the Spirit: A Short Story I had just graduated Bible College and was working at...
by Jeremy Nippard | Jan 31, 2022 | Uncategorized
What are Pentecostal practices? Let me begin by painting a picture of the kind of life I suspect we want as Pentecostals. As you read these scriptural portraits, try to imagine yourself walking in them in your day-to-day life. Praying in the Spirit. (Romans 8:14-27)...
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