Is Our View of Spiritual Gifts too Small?

Is Our View of Spiritual Gifts too Small?

“The Kingdom of God is God in action, and that happens to turn out to be the exact same thing as grace.” – Dallas Willard I sat agape watching this interview with Dallas Willard almost a decade ago, surrounded by my colleagues at pastor’s conference, but suddenly...
A Picture of Our New Church

A Picture of Our New Church

A church is certainly more than a building, more than carpets or pews or chairs or walls. But there was one time that a church’s wall art so impressed upon me that it has stayed with me right up until the present. I don’t remember much else that happened that Sunday...
Who We Are

Who We Are

As Pentecostals, we are a Spirit-formed, Spirit-united, Spirit-empowered, Spirit-sent Fellowship. Let that sink in. Is it a statement of fact, or simply an aspirational hope? This is our story: “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship,...