Non-Anxious Living

Non-Anxious Living

It was a profoundly spiritual moment for me at MDSI Summit 2023, sitting at a table surrounded by other leaders and prayerfully shaping a mound of clay. The keynote speaker had asked us to form what we hoped God would mould us into this year. Though it might not have...
How to Love a Town

How to Love a Town

How to Love a Town One of the most beautiful, relatable, and surprising parts of scripture is that God loves towns. “And should I not have concern for the great city of Nineveh, in which there are more than a hundred and twenty thousand people who cannot tell their...
Stuck in a Moment

Stuck in a Moment

It is a strange moment in between Easter and Pentecost. The scriptures give us vague, curious, compelling, fascinating snippets of what it was like to be with the risen Christ before His ascension. Luke’s summary hooks me every time: “He appeared to them over a period...
Living Invitations

Living Invitations

To this day I still don’t know how he got my number. On the other end of the phone in the Summer of 2001 was a voice I didn’t recognize, inviting me to apply for a program called Master’s Commission of Eastern Canada, a 9-month discipleship program in Bay Robert’s,...
Healthy Paradoxes of Thriving Churches

Healthy Paradoxes of Thriving Churches

During my four years as Formission Director, I was given the mandate to notice and the gift of a broad perspective on how God is working in our province as I travelled to preach and plan with churches and leaders. I got to celebrate and promote some of those churches...
Pentecostal Practices Part 4: Tithing

Pentecostal Practices Part 4: Tithing

What would a renewal of the Pentecostal practice of tithing look like?   My Story This might sound crazy, but growing up, I couldn’t wait until I had an income so that I could begin to tithe. I remember distinctly, after I came to know Jesus at age 12, proudly...